What is an Advertising Phrase? – Attracts the Attention of the Public

Digital marketing has established itself globally as the primary way to get clients and reach places where traditional methods are rarely used. Whether or not you are successful on the Internet depends on a schedule of activities and the advertising phrase you choose when displaying your content.

For this reason, sales and customer service strategies focus a lot on the words and phrases you will use with your customers. In case you don’t know what an advertising phrase is, it is a series of terms carefully used to capture attention and maintain customer retention. All to generate some income or build the loyalty of a possible client or lead, as it is also known. We will shortly provide you with more information about this fascinating topic.

What are the characteristics of an advertising phrase?

Some know them as advertising phrases, while others know them as slogans or advertising messages. Regardless of the name given to it, the characteristics remain the same. Now, among all the characteristic points of a phrase for advertising, we can highlight the following:

It must be easy to use

Imagine that you have a charming and well-made photograph. The fact that it is easy to use means you can implement it as a strategy for all social networks. You can also create wallpapers for sales articles, turn them into a book cover, etc. This is possible because photography is easy to use. The same thing happens with advertising phrases. Your product is the textual content or, failing that, part of a dialogue for a network video.

The idea is that the person you are addressing can understand what you are saying and can identify with your words. The easier you make it for other people, the easier it will be to attract them and make them your followers or buyers. Remember that even for search engine positioning, easy phrases are possibly the best strategy to place your content among the first search results.

It has to be memorable.

Every brand with a global reach has managed to stand out and be remembered by many due to its easy, short, and memorable phrases. This has a lot to do with the previous feature. You will never see a company selling products, services, or a particular brand with an extended-phrase with difficult words.

Most advertising phrases are short, no more than 6 or 7 words, and easily connect with people. No matter where you’re from, you want to find something you can relate to, and this simple fact makes an easy-to-remember tagline challenging to achieve.

It does not apply to everything.

By this, it does not apply to all situations since it depends on your strategy. For example, a social media influencer rarely has an advertising phrase since they do not offer a particular service or sell a specific product. However, everything will depend on the level of reach and size you have as an influencer.

Some well-known YouTubers and TikTokers who already have a presence on social networks have a solid, simple, and striking slogan. However, it is not a practice that a company or brand usually does with its advertising.

It should be clear and concise.

It is important to be repetitive with these points since the scope and impact of a motto, slogan, or advertising phrase will depend on how clear and concise it is. Imagine entering this or any other article and going halfway through the text and still don’t have the information you are looking for. Most likely, you hope that when you enter the report, the data is as accurate as possible, gets straight to the point, and doesn’t waste your time. It applies to startups, small or medium-sized stores, and consolidated companies, just as with advertising phrases.

It must have a touch of persuasion.

In terms of writing and content strategy, this is known as copy. It is a piece of writing in which, persuasively, it is possible to sell and connect with people without them realizing it, or it is not done so aggressively. For example, if I want to sell you a camera, I don’t start by telling you the characteristics of the equipment and its advantages. That is something that you will previously know or have researched. A persuasive way is to attack your needs and how my product can help you with your projects.

This same idea can be translated into the use of advertising phrases. Of course, it requires an excellent study of the market and knowing the type of population or audience you focus on. All this is to understand what tone you should use, how you will address them, and the kind of words and complexity your sentence will have.

Always maintain a positive attitude and words.

Nobody wants to see a slogan or phrase focusing on negative words or the feeling it conveys: unease and insecurity. Therefore, you have to focus on a positive idea or thought, no matter what audience you will target or what product or service you want to offer. Words of affirmation and positivity generate a significant impact, and if you know what words to use, you will most likely induce a purchase without much effort.

How to make a slogan or advertising phrase?

 Advertising Phrase

Now that you have some of the most relevant characteristics, it is time to make a slogan, motto, or advertising phrase. It would help if you considered each attribute since this will facilitate the below-mentioned process. The steps you should take into account are the following:

Review your brand or company

This is the first and most relevant step; no matter what product or service type, a brand and company review must be implemented. This is to know all the details of it well. That is, aspects such as: The current branding and whether rebranding is required.

What is the buyer persona?

Information on the product or service that is being offered.

What is or will be the tone of voice used to address the public?

With this base, you can start working; of course, depending on the scope and magnitude of your brand and company, there will be more aspects that you should take into consideration.

Focus on something you want to promote

It is easy to lose your way when you have a well-known brand because you want to cover as much as possible. However, this is not entirely advisable. Ideally, you should focus on one or two aspects of your brand. It has to be something general; from that, the rest of the services and products you offer are broken down. For example, instead of focusing on a product’s benefit, focus on the benefits that your brand can provide. This way, your slogan will be general, but it will maintain its image for each of the products you have for sale and that you will have in the future.

Proceed with brand action.

By this, we mean that the slogan or advertising phrase must be an action the person has to do. It doesn’t necessarily have to be related to physical effort, but it can also be a lifestyle, a thought, or something similar.

Give identity and essence to your brand.

You achieve this by asking yourself about the reason for your brand, service, or company. Plenty of photographers worldwide, and ice cream, clothing, footwear, and more are sold worldwide. But why do they have to choose you and not another more established option?

Test and start communicating

Once you have a solid foundation created with everything we have mentioned, it is time to start testing.

Here, you have several options, such as the following:

  • Ask your closest contacts and friends to give you their opinions and interact with you in search of feedback.
  • Pay for advertising on social networks. Segment the advertising site to your location and surroundings.
  • Work with sponsors.

Any of these three will help you a lot to obtain results. There are no terrible results; they are simply results that will help you change, improve, and modify what you already have so that it can work effectively and you can achieve your objectives with your advertising phrase.

What words should be put in an advertising phrase?

As such, there is no standard word or pun that you should use, or that exists. Each brand is unique, and each service is different from each other. Therefore, the use of words has to be exclusive for each situation. However, something that is more general and works as a helpful resource is challenging the person, giving them a metaphor, etc.

For example:

Bimbo has: With the usual love.

M&N: Chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hand.

Red Bull: Red Bull gives you wings.

As you will notice, each advertising phrase is unique and very different. However, we can analyze these little phrases a little so that you can use the information to your advantage.

Some key points are the following:

  • They combine an action by relating the product to something the person can do.
  • Generates a feeling of well-being and familiarity.
  • They give you the experience of what the product you will consume will be like.
  • They explain the impact on your body once you consume their products.


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