Top 10 Digital Advertising Tools for Social Media

Digital advertising is not only about hype, posting cats, and giveaways. If you want to get more subscribers, attract your target audience to view online video slot machines, and get more recognition and more profits, you need to do statistics and analytics. Here are 24 services to help you evaluate digital advertising in numbers. The list includes paid and free, specialized, and universal tools. Some can be used both to collect statistics on your accounts and to analyze your competitors.


Digital Advertising

Minter is an analytics service for Instagram hashtags and accounts.

These are the key features of this platform:

  • Determining the best time to publish based on engagement, the maximum online presence of subscribers.
  • Collection of statistics on the number of subscribers, geography and gender of the audience, follower activity, reactions to posts, etc.
  • Tracking your traffic to the site, analyzing competitors’ hashtags.
  • Export reports to Excel and PDF.
  • Analytics of your Instagram account.
  • Tracking mentions of your account in posts and user stories.
  • Minter will help you analyze your Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages.

Buffer Analyze

Buffer Analyze is a service for social media analytics.

With this program, you get these tools:

  • Analytics for your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Shopify accounts.
  • Clear and beautiful reports, the ability to unload as a CSV or JPG.
  • Identifying the best type of post (photo, video, carousel) and the best time to post.
  • Integration with the Publish tool. Groups of posts created with it will be automatically analyzed.

FanPage Karma

Social Media

FanPage Karma is a social media analysis and monitoring service.

Features of FanPage Karma:

  • Finding the best time to publish and delayed posting.
  • Comparison of several pages by important metrics: engagement, response rate, number of subscribers, etc.
  • Presentable reports in Excel and PowerPoint.
  • Influencer detection, UGC tracking, etc.
  • Identifying the most popular content on Instagram and Facebook.
  • The ability to update data in real-time – every 10 minutes.
  • Ability to work in teams to analyze data.


Keyhole is a service for online monitoring and Influencer marketing that also includes a social media analytics tool.

These are the greatest features of this platform:

  • Monitoring accounts and their mentions in social media in real time.
  • Calculation of the optimal time for publications.
  • Analysis of the dynamics of their own and others’ pages, as well as the activity and engagement of the audience.
  • Data visualization in the form of graphs and charts, automatic downloading of reports in PDF / XLS.
  • You can open up access to social media analytics for your team or clients.


Iconosquare is a social media management and analytics platform.

This platform lets you access these features:

  • Finding the best time to publish based on audience engagement.
  • Tracking coverage, number of subscribers, number of comments, and likes.
  • Ability to compare indicators: the number of posts, audience engagement – with the performance of competitors.
  • Real-time updates and the ability to respond to comments.
  • Deferred posting, automatic reports in XLS.
  • Ability to work in teams on projects.

Iconosquare is an official partner of Facebook and Instagram and offers several free features. These include a randomizer for selecting comment contest winners and a tool for quickly auditing your account.


Social Media


Quintly is social network analytics and competitive benchmarking service.

This platform lets you use these tools:

  • Supports 350+ metrics for social network analysis and comparison with competitors.
  • Access to APIs for integration with BI platforms, data storage, and visualization systems (Google BigQuery, etc.).
  • Export reports to CSV, XLS, PDF, JPG, and PPTX in 1 click or automatically.

Rival IQ

Rival IQ is a powerful tool for analyzing communities and social media accounts: both your own and others.

This platform has the following features:

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of posts, collecting statistics on engagement, analyzing competitors’ content plans.
  • Identifying the most effective posts.
  • Ability to compare your account with competitors’ accounts in real-time.
  • Integration with Facebook Ads and Google Analytics to track the effectiveness of targeted ads and social traffic to the site.
  • Hashtag analytics, search for mentions, automatic report generation with sending to email on a schedule.


Socialbakers is a powerful platform for managing multiple social networks in one window.

Here is why you should choose this platform:

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of content, advertising, and the entire advertising strategy in comparison with competitors.
  • The possibility of deferred posting.
  • Ability to search and analyze opinion leaders.
  • Segmentation of subscribers by activity, interests, gender, age, and other parameters.
  • Creation and visualization of portraits of the target audience.
  • User-generated content search (UGC), identifying opinion leaders, determining the tone of comments.
  • Automatic reporting in PPT / XLS / PDF / PNG to email.


Social Media

Socialblade is a service for analyzing competitors, finding sites for advertising, and mutual advertising.

These are the greatest features of the platform:

  • Study the dynamics in terms of subscribers, a number of publications, views, engagement (and, for YouTube channels, also estimated revenue from Google AdSense).
  • Comparison of sites by internal service indicators (Total Grade, Subscriber Rank, etc.).
  • Retrospective data analysis (on Instagram – up to the moment of account creation).

Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a powerful social media management platform.

These tools are available for you:

  • A unified system for communicating with customers from social networks.
  • Teamwork, including the assignment and control of tasks for each employee.
  • Planning and creation of publications, determining the optimal time for posting.
  • Monitor brand mentions by hashtags and keywords.
  • Reports on engagement, impressions, conversions to the site, etc.
  • Reports on Facebook and Instagram ads.
  • Competitive analysis, data export to CSV / PDF.


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