Promoting Digital Awareness With Podcast Marketing These Days

Podcasting in Digital Marketing: Tips & Tricks

Marketing over the years has gone beyond television and newspaper publications. It has leveraged social media to create a more personal approach for businesses and audiences. The digital market context is an iteration of the traditional approach, and here, we get to see brands interact more with their audiences and create long-lasting bonds and relationships using social media platforms and tools.

The daily newsletter you get from some brand is a typical example, and the articles and how-to guides on casino sites like Slotoro are another e-marketing examples. The list is endless, and every day, we see more unique approaches to achieving this, which brings us to podcast marketing. Podcast marketing is a new way brands and businesses are using it to voice their offerings and grow their audiences. We will discuss 4 strategic approaches to your marketing plans in this article.

Understanding Podcasts in Digital Marketing

Understanding Podcasts in Digital Marketing

Podcasts are upgraded radio presentations in a digital format. They are a series of pre-recorded episodes released to listeners on technology, business, fashion, and other niches. Podcasting began in 2004 by a software developer named Dave Winer and an MTV Video Jockey, Adam Curry. It gained more popularity following Apple’s announcement that it hit 1 billion subscribers in 2013. The concept has been gaining more traction since then, and today, there are millions of people streaming several ones across the globe.

Marketing was introduced to this entertainment medium because of its versatility and enlightenment capabilities. In 2014, advertisers spent $90 million on in-podcast advertisements. This figure grew even higher to $190 billion in 2016 and is still soaring. Surely, people won’t spend that much on a system that doesn’t yield good results. Marketers have understood how limitless the reach is for podcasting and have incorporated it into their strategies. Here are some tips that have worked for them and might be good for you to explore.

Podcasting Advertising Strategies That Work

Podcasting Advertising Strategies That Work

Mastering podcasting advertising will take some time. However, the leading tips we collected for you will help you develop your efficient strategy.

Explore Social Media Platforms

Marketers who have found a way to master Instagram and TikTok algorithms have succeeded in building bigger audiences. You could post a clip from your show today and generate 20,000 views on TikToks in 24-48 hours. Instagram reels can also blow up twice as fast, but there is a system to reach such numbers, and it can only be achieved by knowing how social media adverts work. These online platforms have vast pool of audiences to tap from, which could be a game changer for your business or brand — Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp are other mediums to push your videos for better impressions.

Sway Your Audience With Influencers

People tend to be drawn to aesthetics, popularity, and experience in social media spaces, so influencers should be included in your strategies. For one, you’d be tapping into their large followings and attracting more people to your business. Secondly, you’ll boost your brand’s image by associating with influential people in your niche. Identify influencers in your field, invite them to your shows, and strike a deal where they share your podcast with relevant listeners.

Collaborate With Other Podcasters

As a podcast marketer, inviting other podcasters to your show effectively attracts new listeners. Keep in mind that these people have their audiences as well, and bringing them on board automatically attracts their listeners to your program. Identify creators in your niche who are interested in collaborations and establish a partnership beneficial to both parties.

Optimize Your Podcasting

SEO is not only practical in writing. Search engine optimization is one of the ways to make your podcast rank. You should prioritize visibility, and SEO is a proven way to achieve this.

Some SEO podcast tips are:

  • Optimize your episode title to rank in the search;
  • Focus on keyword research;
  • Optimize descriptions;
  • Use social media to push your content;
  • Get your audience to post positive reviews and share them with their friends;
  • Use streaming platforms like Spotify and YouTube;
  • Create some of your tops around trendy subjects.

Leveraging Podcast Marketing

With this, you should already know there is much to tap into in the podcast market. To get the most out of this approach, you can take a course in digital marketing and SEO practices for podcasts. There are professionals and experts who have navigated these roads before you and most likely have a lot to share with beginners or people looking to expand their knowledge. Other tips that might have skipped our list are initiating podcast monitoring, having an SEO-optimized website, and leveraging email marketing.

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